Thursday, March 18, 2010


扎扎在一旁听着,冷不丁插了一嘴:We are learning probability now in school. I am good at it.
吓扎扎爸一跳,扎扎开始考我概率问题:There are 7 apples in the basket. 3 of them are red. What is the probability of picking up a red apple?
扎扎爸不但概率差,连除法也不灵光,只好回答说:The probability is 3 out of 7.
"Wrong! Your answer is fraction,not probability.
Its probability is unlikely.
If there were 4 red apples, its probability would be likely.
If there were 0 red apples, its probability would be impossible.
If there were 7 red ones, its probability would be certainly.
How come you don't know these, dady?”


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